First Post – Rules for the Road

As many of my friends and family understand, from time to time, I can’t resist the urge to reach out and rant about something troubling me. Historically, that’s happened via email, often with lengthy attachments that I expect very few people read. It is my hope that this newly created blog site will give me the outlet I seek, without burdening anyone with unwanted communications. And, should any number of people come to this site to read my ruminations, I may get some satisfaction from the belief that I have offered them something to think about, or, in my wildest dreams, something impactful and positive for their future.

So, for my first step forward, I will share Tom’s rules for the road, or, mantras to live by. ( To be repeated to one’s self as often as necessary.)

  1. If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.
  2. Don’t let the bastards drag you down!
  3. If it’s never been written, it’s never been said.
  4. If you can’t argue your point, you don’t have a point.
  5. Integrity is the only personal treasure you can and will take with you when you go.