Monthly Archives: September 2020

Critical Voting

When you vote, please consider the mindset of the people you put into power and the thousands of individuals they will appoint to take the reins of Government and direct its resources, resources that now consist of more than forty percent of our economy.  Consider the attitudes, associations, and ambitions of those who will chart a course for America.  THINK ABOUT THAT, and not the personality at the top of the ticket.

For now, we the people, or those who vote, choose whom to empower.  When Government was small and hardly a factor in the lives of productive Americans, we didn’t think about voting all that much.  Look at where that’s brought us.  Today, Government is massive and scary, and selecting its leaders is worthy of the most critical thought process we can muster.  Those we’ve selected now seek to control every step of our lives and livelihood as evidenced so profoundly by their actions during this pandemic.  Did you ever imagine you could be so micromanaged by people unknown to you; by people empowered not by competence or credibility, but simply by their associations with wealth?

Have you been critical of those wielding power over you?  Are you happy with the leaders we have appointed at this level or that?  Probably not, but who’s to blame?  Look in a mirror.  Like most people you probably picked the personalities you found least offensive; and what you got in return was thousands of people trying to govern every step of your life.  Well done!

So, just think about it.  It’s easily one of the biggest decisions you get to make.  What party, what group, what band of leaders do you align with?  Is it those who love freedom or those who love control?  Is it those who see you as a productive citizen or those who see you as a victim of oppression, someone needing help and oversight?  Is it those who want to hear you out or those who want to shut you up?  And most important of all, is it those who love America or those who hate it?