Too Much Information (TMI) – One Explanation for an Insane World

We struggle and anguish for an explanation.  Why has the world gone so insane.  Things are bizarre.  It is as if our ability to judge our circumstance and invoke a sane response has been lost.

If you have ever done a hallucinatory drug, you can get the picture.  You become unsure about everything, and thus lose an accurate perspective on the world.

Considering the breadth of humanity, it is probably safe to say most people are not high on hallucinogens.  However, they must be high on something, because bizarre behavior seems to be overtaking us all, and it has not been this way until the last decade or so.

So, what is going on?

It’s a new drug, one that has always been out there, but you had to reach for it, and often search for hours to find it?  Now-days, we live under a waterfall of this drug, and it is crushing us.  That drug is INFORMATION!

The information age has overwhelmed the mental capacity of humans and their ability to fairly judge their circumstance.  Consequently, common sense is lost, perspective is lost, the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality is lost, and many individuals at all levels of society grow more insane by the minute.

Mass detachment from reality has become common and observable on a daily basis.  Tune in to any media source for those quick bites of commentary on world events and you cannot come away without thinking something is just not right.

Climate Change will destroy humanity in a decade?

Gender is a personal choice?

A safe vaccine can be developed in six months?

Speech is an act of violence?

Government cares about you?

Fossil fuels can be abandoned. Wind and solar energy can power the world?

If you believe any of these statements, you are suffering from some degree of psychosis most likely caused by an overwhelming exposure to INFORMATION!

The hypothesis is that humanity, excluding members who do not have a computer or cell phone, is mentally destabilized by the mass of mass media.  It is just too much, we can’t handle it, and as we try, we grow more and more insane.