Monthly Archives: May 2024


It’s critical that you invest the time to understand the goals and objectives of powerful people setting a course for humanity.

Now, if you don’t think there’s a grand agenda, one underway, then you are not paying attention.  And, if you are paying attention yet denying any impact on yourself or your community, you may be woefully mistaken. 

Bear with me as I share some thoughts and observations. 

With every day that passes where I read about and watch what’s going on in the world, or at least what’s prioritized by media, I am increasingly convinced that the “New World Order / Great Reset Agenda” is moving along nicely.  I’m also convinced that the goals are quite simple and make all the sense in the world for the sinister elite driving the agenda.

Let’s start with the who, the people driving the agenda.  That would be the Gotmores and the Betteroffs and nearly everyone who has accumulated a thousand times more wealth and/or power than they deserve.  They know who they are and what they want and have all the time in the world to pursue their goals.

What these sinister elite want is to continue to accumulate wealth and power; and, more than anything, protect what they’ve got by eliminating threats.

So, what are these people threatened by?  That’s simple.  They are threatened by people they do not control.

What’s the solution?  LESS PEOPLE AND MORE CONTROL!

It could not be more clear.  Whatever measures bring about less people and more control are good things, and it’s this altruistic pursuit that unites those who would otherwise compete; and oh, how they loathe competition, like any good Marxist would.

So, what do we have?  We have elite groups of like-minded people organizing and collaborating to influence societal outcomes that protect and perpetuate their class. 

Another simple truth we all know.  Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Thus, we beget the sinister elite boldly driving their agenda for humanity under the guise, “we must save the planet” and “don’t worry, you can own nothing and still be happy.”  The real agenda: LESS PEOPLE AND MORE CONTROL!

Now, I challenge you to find global events and trends that DO NOT fit this program.

Some observations:

  • Wars = less people
  • Ending fossil fuels = half the world starves = less people
  • Gain of Function Viruses = pandemics = less people
  • Vaccine malfeasance = less people
  • LGBTQ+ =  no reproduction = less people
  • Abortion any time = less people
  • Shut down farms and farmland = starvation = less people
  • Lower CO2  = smaller harvests = starvation = less people
  • Geoengineering = airborne chemical particulate = less people
  • MAID = Medical Assistance in Dying Program = less people
  • UN Agenda 2030 = roadmap for more control
  • ESG/DEI = Social Credit Scoring of Corporations = more control
  • CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) = way more control, total control
  • Vaccine passports = more control
  • Rigged Elections = more control
  • TikTok and other addictive brainwashing apps = more control
  • 15-minute Cities = more control
  • Electric everything = more control
  • Carbon Credit System = more control
  • Lawfare = more control
  • Corporate AI = more control

And how do we enforce all of these good things?  We implement President Obama’s vision that will “fundamentally change America,” a “Civilian National Security Force.” 

But that will never happen.  The States will never go for that. 

Well, it’s on the table.  The Feds want to build an FBI Headquarters that’s bigger than the Pentagon.  That’s a good start.  And a compelling justification for the National Security Force is developing.

The sinister elite are defunding and demonizing LOCAL police.  They have orchestrated open boarders, rampant crime and drug addiction, pervasive homelessness, unsafe public spaces, human trafficking, and terrorists in our midst.  When it gets bad enough and the populus is traumatized by daily life, it will beg for that Federal Security Force to come to the rescue.  But it will not be a rescue, it will be complete subjugation. 

Remember, the sinister elite hate America.  Its people who honor the Constitution and uphold the Bill of Rights make it very difficult for the globalists to fulfill their agenda.  Americans defending their traditional rights defy every element of the globalists’ plan.

But the sinister elite with their globalist vision are persistent and confident in what has been achieved thus far to destabilize America, erode its cultural traditions, and corrupt its institutions.  They mock proud Americans as gun toting, bible thumping, family values folks with way too much freedom.  Anyone claiming to be an American patriot is declared a member of the resistance who must be disarmed and subjugated.  The mechanisms to do this are in place.  The FBI and several agencies with enforcement arms are being groomed to become the Civilian National Security Force.

Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Fact?

You will need to decide soon.