Category Archives: Rant

Being a Ward of the State

If one is not physically or mentally disabled, being a ward of the State should be a miserable existence, because when it’s not, it can become an alternate lifestyle choice and we become a nation of ne’er-do-wells.

One Hundred Years of Progressive Policies

Progressive policies began to take shape over one hundred years ago with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and other programs supportive of a benevolent State.  Statists in both parties have initiated and perpetuated policies that are grossly unaffordable.  Although, when you can print unlimited amounts of money, there’s no mandate to stop piling up debt.  President Obama’s policies have taken Statism/Progressivism to a whole new level effectively accelerating our rate of destruction.  I say, let him own the consequences and maybe we’ll wise up and assign blame where it belongs.

The best hope for America is to recognize that Progressivism has failed us and that Statism will crush the entrepreneurial spirit that made this country great.   The idea of a benevolent State at any cost is a foolish mindset. It has brought us to the brink, and will eventually cause more chaos justifying additional control by the State. This is a death spiral by definition.

There is hope however. If enough people pull their head out of their ass and recognize the State is NOT the answer, never has been and never will be, then we have a chance of restoring a self-reliant culture, sound money, free markets, rule of law, and limited government by the people. Have a nice day :).

Government Expansion

Government expansion illustrates the success of politicians and the mechanisms they use to enrich those who would keep them in power.  At current expansion rates, by 2020, forty-three cents of every dollar of GDP will be spent by government.  One should consider the taxation required to fund this amount of spending.